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The First 【English Corner】 for the 2013 IPUS Students

This week welcomed the first English Corner held for the 2013 IPUS students, by GUCIBT. On the evening (6:20-7:20pm) of October 21st Monday, the 2013 IPUS students on the HEMC campus had their first English Corner at the Performing Arts Center ---Arena . The activity was hosted by Echo, the teacher of the EEP course, and Merlin, the former American diplomat who has been in the Vietnam War and taught in universities such as Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. During the activity, students spoke actively, making Merlin very happy and share many of his experiences, which helped students learn a lot. On the evening (8:00-9:00pm) of October 23rd Wednesday, the 2013 IPUS students on the GHG campus also had their first English Corner at the classroom South 301 in the Comprehensive Building. The activity was also hosted by Echo and welcomed by all of the students.     

The topic of this phase of English Corner for both campuses was The Person You Want to Be. After two months of EEP study, most of the students’ oral English has been greatly improved. After the activity, some students expressed that they also want to have more English communication with people of the same age. Therefore, CIBT will consider inviting foreign students to join the English Corner to have fact-to-face communication next time. To be expected!  



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